Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Evil Step Mother

Do you ever feel like you have an evil stepmother that tells you what to do and when to do it and how to do it and you have to listen? That is how I feel about work sometimes. I usually really like my job, which I know is a blessing. But some times I just want to ignore the call to work, and laze about happily. I want to sleep in and watch morning tv in my jammies and not think about all the fires I'm supposed to be putting out. But instead, I check my email 3 or 4 times each night, and once before I go to work. I work 11 hours a day and even then, I feel like I don't get enough done. How is that possible? Oh well, better go check the email (ha) and get to bed...

Friday, August 19, 2005

I want to go back to bed.

I am tired. I could sleep all day, and then I would still be tired. And I would have to work all day tomorrow cause I didn't work today. Every day this week I worked 11 hour days. Boo. Last night, I was actually excited that I left only a half hour late. Sad. I have so much to do this weekend, and I don't have any time and I really think that crawling into my bed is the answer. And maybe a bubble bath.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

a slave to da man

Do you ever have "one of those days"? Today was a classic. I worked my butt off all day long and really, I didn't get anything done. I am actually considering going back tonight, and it is 7:30. I hate leaving things undone at the end of the day. Ugh!! Sure, I went to a few meetings and helped other people resolve things they were working on, but I didn't resolve a single issue of my own. I know I am going to end up working this weekend. Again. sigh....

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

My cat, AKA, Satan

So, last night, while I am in the shower, I find out that my cat has puked in several different places all over the apartment. Apparently, he decided to eat part of his bouncy ball. Smart. So, when I go to bed, he decides that he is angry at me for throwing up, and bites my foot. The bottom of my foot. Ohhhh not happy!! He is really the devil. He thinks its cute to snuggle and cuddle and then bite and nip. Why oh why did satan decide to live in my cat??

Sunday, August 07, 2005

On a quest for Clothes

All I want to find is a nice pair of low rise jeans. I don't want to have to cut off the bottom six inches of each leg because I am short. I don't want so much spandex in the shorts that they become my second skin. I don't want to pay $90 for the new Lane Bryant jeans (what a rip off -- Just cause we're fat girls doesn't mean we're stupid). I'm getting so damn frustrated. I have great low rise jeans, but I had to go and lose weight and now they are huge on me. I'm going to wear them anyway. Maybe I'll finally get that "alternative look" down.

And while I'm at it, I want shorts. Not shorts that are "hoochy short" - which, by the way, why do fashion designers make daisy dukes in a size 28 plus??? Noooo body wants to see that much plus size thigh. I want a medium length short that again, has no spandex, and that only goes as high as my waist, not my boobs. Normal shorts. ugh...

And I need a bathing suit. I have one of those "bathing dresses" and I look 80 when I wear it. I don't want a tankini. I want a bathing suit. No shelf bra. No "molded comfort" bra. I want a suit with underwire that will make the girls look good when I am out at the beach. Please pull the attention up from my hips and to my cleavage where it belongs. I had this really great suit from last year or the year before, but the cups got some kind of dry rot and fell apart... BOO.

So, I am off to the mall when they open today. I am going to deal with rude people and even ruder sales people (who do treat plus size consumers like their money isn't worth the service). And dammit, I better find something nice.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Okay - so I have been depriving myself of a proper pedicure for the last 2 months. Ever since the little woman cut me... twice.. on the same foot... trying to dig back to her homeland in the crevice of my toenail. I've been doing the toes myself, and doing a pretty good job. Until tonight. Tonight, I got a little over ambitious with the clippers... and now, well... it makes what that little woman did look like a paper cut. Its funny, it didn't hurt at the time, but now my toe is throbbing...

So yes, I am really bored tonight, and my toes are paying the price. And I need to polish them now, but I know it will sting if I put polish on.. ughhhh

Toe-ing the line..... ~s

PS - Good luck to NGB with the flood.... I hope Noah saved the cat...